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Compassionate Communities

Strathcarron Compassionate Communities Team help people get to know others in their local area and to be part of their local community. Anyone can access the support that we offer, we have no criteria and no previous connection with Strathcarron Hospice is necessary. Our hope is that if people are part of their local community, with a network of people who live nearby, they will have good support if they were to become unwell or bereaved.                                                                                                     

Within Falkirk we can support people to be more connected with those around them in a range of ways:

  • Providing information about other groups and activities that are taking place in their area and providing community support to access these groups.
  • Putting a person in touch with someone else who may be able to visit, telephone or write letters.
  • Learning more about a person’s skills and talents and how they would like to use these to be more of a part of their community.
  • Providing ways to connect people who are not able or who have lost confidence in going out. E.g. by hosting online gatherings centred around interests, e.g. Storytelling and Musical Memories
  • "Snow Drop Cafes" operating in different areas of Falkirk, when covid restrictions allow. These are open to all and provide tea, biscuits and the opportunity to meet with other local people.

There are a range of ways that we can provide support, tailored to suit the ways you would like to connect with your neighbours and community. 

Please contact us by emailing: fv.compassionatecommunities@nhs.scot

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