Dining Room - Local information
Featured Local Information
Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Website
The Falkirk HSCP brings together a broad range of health, social care, and support services for people in Falkirk. The website provides key information and news updates with access to the Partnership’s publications, including the Strategic Plan 2019-2022. It also includes information on the HSCP’s governance arrangements and a timetable for future meetings.
Falkirk Council Website
Information for residents, businesses and visitors of Falkirk Council, council tax and what's on in the local area.
NHS Forth Valley mental health information
A self-help site for a variety of mental health, stress and anxiety related conditions. Read it, download it, listen to audio files or watch videos. You can also forward it on to others who you feel would benefit from it.
NHS Forth Valley Self-help website
Mental Health - useful contacts
This pdf contains a list of organisations you can contact for help or support in addition to any help you are getting from health professionals. If you are experiencing mental health issues, we recommend you seek medical advice.
Mental health useful contacts PDF
A Local Information System for Scotland (ALISS)
ALISS is a website that can be used to search for local resources. Each search can be done for a specific organisation or be done by location, with the search being narrowed or extended depending on the chosen mileage.
Scotland's Service Directory
SSD is a website that contains details of health and wellbeing services in Scotland. Includes GP practices, dental services and support groups and is being developed to include local services Health and Social Care Partnerships.
Scotland's Service Directory website
CVS Falkirk
As the Third Sector Interface for the Falkirk Council area, CVS Falkirk are a local, independent charitable company which exists to promote, develop and represent the third sector and volunteering.
Dining Room - Local information
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The ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland) Programme is funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE). We believe that people of Scotland living with long term conditions, disabled people and unpaid carers should be able to access the information they need to help them live well.
For more information about a range of health and wellbeing issues for people of all ages, please visit the website: www.aliss.org/