Local information
Featured Local Information
Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Website
The Falkirk HSCP brings together a broad range of health, social care, and support services for people in Falkirk. The website provides key information and news updates with access to the Partnership’s publications, including the Strategic Plan 2019-2022. It also includes information on the HSCP’s governance arrangements and a timetable for future meetings.
Falkirk Council Website
Information for residents, businesses and visitors of Falkirk Council, council tax and what's on in the local area.
NHS Forth Valley mental health information
A self-help site for a variety of mental health, stress and anxiety related conditions. Read it, download it, listen to audio files or watch videos. You can also forward it on to others who you feel would benefit from it.
NHS Forth Valley Self-help website
Mental Health - useful contacts
This pdf contains a list of organisations you can contact for help or support in addition to any help you are getting from health professionals. If you are experiencing mental health issues, we recommend you seek medical advice.
Mental health useful contacts PDF
A Local Information System for Scotland (ALISS)
ALISS is a website that can be used to search for local resources. Each search can be done for a specific organisation or be done by location, with the search being narrowed or extended depending on the chosen mileage.
Scotland's Service Directory
SSD is a website that contains details of health and wellbeing services in Scotland. Includes GP practices, dental services and support groups and is being developed to include local services Health and Social Care Partnerships.
Scotland's Service Directory website
CVS Falkirk
As the Third Sector Interface for the Falkirk Council area, CVS Falkirk are a local, independent charitable company which exists to promote, develop and represent the third sector and volunteering.
Information and services
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Disabled people of all ages who want to progress towards and into work can find useful information and advice on the Scottish Government website: www.gov.scot/policies/disabled-people
For services that support individuals, Employability Services, Falkirk can help - Please visit the website: www.linkliving.org.uk or call on 01324 466860.
NHS Audiology department in Forth Valley. If you have never been seen at the audiology department you must contact your GP initially for assessment and onward referral.
If you are a hearing aid user, drop in facilities for replacement batteries, re-tubing and advice are available at Falkirk Community Hospital on Monday. The drop in facilities are open 1300 - 1600 Thursdays/ Fridays and 0830 -1100 Tuesdays/Wednesdays.
CAPABILITY provides services directly to around 1000 disabled people at over 25 locations around Scotland, supporting people at every stage of their lives and at home, work and school. Through the schools, early years and childcare services they support not only disabled children at crucial times in their life but their families and carers.
They have many services which focus on giving disabled people the opportunity to live independent lives whether that is in their own homes, participating in their local or wider community, or finding employment. Residential and respite services are also available.
To find out more please use the details below.
Contact Information:
Website: www.capability-scotland.org.uk
Phone: 0131 337 9876
A range of social groups and classes are available at the Sensory Centre for people with visual impairment. These include a singing group, reading group, social group, personal safety and computer skills. For more information, get in contact by using the details below.
Contact information:
Website: www.forthvalleysensorycentre.org/other-interest-groups-and-classes-for-all/
Phone: 01324 590888
A variety of groups and classes for BSL users are available at Forth Valley Sensory Centre, including:
- Friday evening Deaf Social club
- OAP club (12:30 - 3pm)
- Talk and Sign social group
- Knitting group and local History Group
Conversational BSL classes are available for people wanting to learn BSL.
Lip Reading Classes are also available for people who are hard of hearing.
For more information on the services that are provided, please use the following information.
Contact information:
Phone: 01324 590888
Text: 07341560709
Website: www.forthvalleysensorycentre.org/other-interest-groups-and-classes-for-all/
The Mobile Emergency Care Service (MECS) provides a response to calls from our service users. An alarm is installed in people's homes. The alarm connects through the telephone line to our control centre. Alarm calls are made through a pull-cord system, an alarm unit with a trigger device or telecare equipment, such as door sensors or pressure mats. This means you can call for emergency help when you need it - for example, if you have fallen and can't get up. When you set off the alarm, it will ring in our control centre, which is open 24 hours a day.
The help you get will depend on what your emergency is. We may:
- Contact your GP or next of kin
- Send a warden to your home
- Talk with you to reassure you
For more information or to find out about getting a MECS system, please visit: www.falkirk.gov.uk/services/social-care/care-at-home
Strathcarron Compassionate Communities Team help people get to know others in their local area and to be part of their local community. Anyone can access the support that we offer, we have no criteria and no previous connection with Strathcarron Hospice is necessary. Our hope is that if people are part of their local community, with a network of people who live nearby, they will have good support if they were to become unwell or bereaved.
Within Falkirk we can support people to be more connected with those around them in a range of ways:
- Providing information about other groups and activities that are taking place in their area and providing community support to access these groups.
- Putting a person in touch with someone else who may be able to visit, telephone or write letters.
- Learning more about a person’s skills and talents and how they would like to use these to be more of a part of their community.
- Providing ways to connect people who are not able or who have lost confidence in going out. E.g. by hosting online gatherings centred around interests, e.g. Storytelling and Musical Memories
- "Snow Drop Cafes" operating in different areas of Falkirk, when covid restrictions allow. These are open to all and provide tea, biscuits and the opportunity to meet with other local people.
There are a range of ways that we can provide support, tailored to suit the ways you would like to connect with your neighbours and community.
Please contact us by emailing: fv.compassionatecommunities@nhs.scot
The Joint Dementia Initiative (JDI) Home from Home service is where people with a diagnosis of dementia can come together in small groups in a homely environment. It gives you the chance to meet people who are having similar experiences to you. The Home from Home service is hosted by a home day carer in their own home. A referral from Social Work Services is needed. Contact Social work on 01324 506070 to ask for an assessment.
JDI run a monthly group called the 2nd Wednesday Group in its Dollar Park base, for people under 65 who have a diagnosis of early onset dementia. Contact JDI for more information. Call 01324 501730 or email: JDIAdmin@falkirk.gov.uk
The Forth Valley branch of Alzheimer Scotland provides a wide range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers, including personalised support services, community activities, information and advice, at every stage of the dementia journey. The Centre at 35 Johnston Avenue, Stenhousemuir is open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. See the website - www.alzscot.org/living-with-dementia/getting-support/find-support-near-you/forth-valley-office or phone 01324 559480.
The Carer's Centre provides advice and support and runs groups for carers. For more information, see the website - http://centralcarers.org/carers/adult-carers/ or call the Falkirk Centre - 01324 611510.
People over the age of 60 and people with disabilities, who are eligible, can travel free on bus services within Scotland without any peak-time restrictions.
Full details of eligibility criteria are included in the application form which can be picked up from Falkirk Library. To apply, contact Falkirk Library on 01324 503605.
For further details, please visit www.falkirk.gov.uk and search for transport.
Cyrenians’ Falkirk projects provide safe spaces for those feeling isolated from their community to gain confidence and plan for a more positive future. Arnotdale House in Dollar Park is home to our charitable work in Falkirk supporting the local community and tackling the causes and consequences of homelessness. With our family-friendly café and beautiful walled garden, Arnotdale House is a visitor hotspot.
Our services are separated into three main components:
- Employability Services: This includes supporting individuals engaging with the Employment and Training Unit at Falkirk Council, providing 1-1 support to link those touched by the Justice System to volunteering, training and employment opportunities and providing individuals on a Community Payback Order the opportunity to gain a qualification as well as developing listening, communication and work etiquette skills and self-confidence.
- Outreach Services: Including a project based in the Camelon/Tamfourhill area, supporting both individuals with a justice background looking to get back into work, and the local employers who would like to employ them. Also includes a Community Link Worker based in Kersiebank Medical Practice and Bo’ness Road Medical practice who provides support overcoming any barriers they may have preventing them from living a healthy lifestyle or achieving their goals, help identify personal outcomes and priorities and, where appropriate, link to other services in the local area.
- Walled Garden: It was brought to life by individuals undertaking unpaid work as part of their Community Payback Order, alongside the third, public and private sectors and community groups. Provides work for those carrying out Community Payback Orders as well as volunteering opportunities, also allows linking into other Falkirk Services for support. The walled garden is utilised by the general public as a place to go, attend events or an opportunity for Wedding Photographs and Weddings.